Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Welcome to my newbies......

Welcome to my new followers.  I have said this before, but want to say it again for those that just joined my page.  I started a PRIVATE FB group last year.  For my friends who knew that my passion was reading and that would always text or ask "what should I read next".....  Then a few months ago,  I decided to go viral and create a REAL BLOG page for everyone to see.  It was scary for this stay at home mother and wife.  I read because I love it.  I can usually read a few books a day.  Unless of course, life gets in the way =)  I am not ashamed to say I read "mommy porn".  I love my MC (biker) books, my rock star books, romance, I even enjoy some YA.   In the past when I read a book I would just PM my authors and let them know what I thought about the book.  That is how I became friends with several authors today.  I never started a blog to get Free books or Free swag.  I started my blog to read, post what I love, to PIMP out the authors I love, to get others to one click those books, to spread the word.  Authors pour their blood, sweat and tears into writing the stories we read and if I can help promote them on my page and get them additional exposure.  That's what I am here for.  Writing reviews are often hard for me though.... I don't do spoilers.  I want everyone to go into the book like I did.... not knowing... feeling every emotion that I felt.  So, sometimes my reviews are kick ass...and sometimes they might be a tad boring.... only because I can't say too much about what I read.  KNOW THIS... If I post about it... I LOVED IT!  With this blog, I have also been approached by several authors to receive ARC's and to help promote their book blog tours and cover reveals and that is exciting!  Helping them is what this is all about for me.  Aside, from reading some very kick ass books!  So, if you are an author and need my help... PM me and I'll do it.  I actually have 2 books right now that are ARC's and that I need to get done and reviewed.  I have several blog tours and book cover reveals coming up.  I am attending my first Author Bash early next year with my Friend Andrea Smith and I am OVER THE MOON excited about that.  Yall should def grab her books if you haven't.... yes I am throwing in a PIMP in the middle of this blog post... G'Man series and her Baby Lite series.... 5 stars on both....  DO I have favorite authors?  Yes, actually I do.  We all have those authors that all we have to see is their name and new release and we one click.... My fave's are probably most peoples faves. I do have a girl crush on Jade and Madeline though.... won't lie.  So, with that being said.  I hope that when I post about a book I have read or an author I love that it helps you to one click and give them a chance.  You wont' always love a book I love.  It's cool.  I will still love ya.  I also know that some of the books I LOVE are not every ones cup of tea.  I like some seriously dark deep bat shit crazy shit sometimes.   So, welcome to my BLOG..... where nothing I read shocks me and where I stand up proud and say I am a book whore and I love mommy porn!  <3 

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