Monday, October 3, 2016

Amy's 4.5 star ARC Review of Broken (DeathStalkers MC) by Alexis Noelle

This is what I signed up for.
I knew it from the start.
I'm the newest prospect for the Deathstalkers MC Club.
I'll do whatever they ask--whenever they want it done.
No questions.
I'll take their bullshit and follow orders, like nobody's business.
Cuz once I get that patch, that label, 
I'm in.

But when one of the old ladies takes in a stray,
I can't help but feel the pull toward her.
Izzy makes me question everything.
But I can't.
I have to sit back and pray like Hell that someone else,
One of these bastards doesn't claim her for himself.
If he does, I have to let her go,
Let her walk away,
Into his arms,
His bed.
And I can't do that.
Deathstalker prospect or not,
I know what I want,
And I want her.

4. 5 stars

Broken is the fourth book in the Deathstalkers series and it’s a good one. You can read these books as standalones but they are all worth the click. Talk about a bang up page one … you got it on this one. 

Max is sick of babysitting the old ladies. Being a prospect though he doesn’t have much choice. They treat him like crap and don’t listen. If any of them were his old ladies he would make sure they knew their place. Listening to them is exactly what got him into the mess he is in now. The girl the ladies insisted they pick up wondering on the side of the road has no idea who she is … all she has is a picture .. and that picture tells a million things. 

Izzy is walking disoriented, hurt and his no idea who she is. She knows her name because it's tattooed on her but other than that she doesn’t know why she has the picture and who the people are in the picture. The men that have her don’t believe her. If she knows something or was sent to put on a show for them they will put her in the ground with no questions asked. Trouble is coming and Izzy has no idea why or who. 

This one is filled with zip after zip. I had no idea who Izzy was and when you find out … boom … I had zero clues and it was a shocker. Izzy is frustrated and confused but holds her own .. Max is overbearing and told to keep his hands off and trying his best. Why he feels the need to protect this woman is beyond him. 

This one is a roller coaster ride. Alexis is a great writer and her characters are brutally honest and loyal. I loved the outcome of this one and look forward to more. Each release keeps getting better and better. Thank you for the ARC and bring on the next ride. Thank you! 

Review to post to Ramblings From Beneath The Sheets. 

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