Sunday, October 23, 2016

Amy's 4.5 star review of Leaving Eva (The Eva Series #1) by Jennifer Sivec

How can we erase the memories that threaten to scar us?

On the outside, Brynn Michael appears to have it all. A successful career. A loving husband. A beautiful home. 

But nobody, not even her husband, knows the depth of Brynn’s horror. Abandoned as a child on the side of the road by her young, drug-addicted mother, then later abused by her adoptive father, Brynn has spent her entire life hiding her physical and emotional scars.

As Brynn struggles to overcome her past so that she and Adam can begin a family of their own, the darkness refuses to let her go. The peace that Brynn has tried so desperately to cultivate seems just out of reach and even the love of Adam may not be enough to weather the storm.

Leaving Eva is the tragic and suspenseful story of one woman’s battle to overcome abandonment and abuse. In this powerful novel, author Jennifer Sivec explores the human resolve and our ability to not only survive, but thrive.

Publisher’s note: This story is intended for mature audiences. It contains scenes depicting graphic violence and strong language. 

4.5 stars

I'm not even sure how to start this review but I'm going to try my best … Tracy met this wonderful author at a book signing not to long ago. Jennifer then sent us Leaving Eva – not knowing what I was about to read I was completely overtaken with grief and torment within the first few pages. I thought to myself what in the heck have I gotten myself into. When an author can create characters and situations that in turn make you emit so many emotions you are holding your breath that’s a wonderful thing. 

Eva .. or Brynn lives in pain and fear. Fear of losing loved ones, pain of being hurt, pain of being left and pain in the scars she hides from everyone. Eva Is living nothing short of a tragic life. I kept thinking to myself .. no more. Please no more. How much can one person take and yet the unimaginable just kept coming. 

This book is layers upon layers of events that weave into one another. At times you feel like you are reading numerous characters stories but they are all Eva’s. Glimpses of who Brynn really is flicker in her dreams but there is nothing and no one to help with those memories. Every time you think Eva is about to break free from the vines of darkness they grow stronger against her. I kept thinking to myself please let this end for her. … please give this character the happiness that she deserves … please let her find her way. 

What I can tell you is that you need to keep reading … what I can also tell you is you do get that happiness but then …… I laid my kindle down and whispered .. “what the frick” … I could not believe it…. So now I need to know when is book 2 out. 

Thank you .. I think .. Jennifer for the ARC as you have completely taxed every nerve and possible emotion in my body. There are some characters in this release that are mentioned in a very small sense that I do believe will play a major role in the next release the way things were left. I have a feeling it's going to be like a freight train derailing and hitting the side of a mountain. Help us all … 
Thank you Jennifer for the read. You destroyed me … and that’s a wonderful thing. Review to post to Ramblings From Beneath The Sheets. 

If you have any kind of triggers centered around abuse .. do not click this book up. 

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