Title: April Snow
Genre: Erotic Contemporary Romance
Author: A.L Goulden
Release Date: March 24
Through a provocative affair and devastating separation Monica Waters has tried to grasp her desire and love for two men. This spring, her love will be tested once more in the finale of this emotionally charged and sexually explosive series.
“Take off your clothes,” he says in a deep gravelly voice.
Yes Sir. She doesn’t hesitate to lift her sweater, but clings to the ball of warmth when the cold air scrapes her soft skin.
“All of them,” he adds.
She drops it to the floor and unbuttons her jeans, tugging hard on their elastic grip to her legs. Her socks get sucked off with them in the final pull. Her fingers are icy as she slides her panties to the floor. He stands perfectly still with his hands to his sides, giving away nothing as she unhooks the clasps on her bra. She holds the cups as cover a moment longer, searching his stoic face before dropping it to the side. His eyes study the way the light accents the right side of her body. She feels his gaze glide across her flesh, leaving a burning trail behind.
“On your knees, close your eyes and don’t move.”
She does as told, deaf to anything above the sound of her own pounding heart until the crack of his knuckle. It was the sign of his tension building, which was the most exciting part of these games. She knows she has just as much control over him. He steps towards her and each vibration through the floor shoots chills up her exposed thighs.
When he doesn’t stop she turns her head slightly to follow his spicy scent, but soon he’s ascending the stairs and gone. She hears him continue towards their room, so she waits, eyes closed, branding every sound to memory. An electric city bus passes, and then then a distant foghorn blows before a Moped buzzes down the quieting street. Things stand still and she no longer hears anything in the house.
Minutes seem like hours when you’re naked and alone in a cold room. Still no sounds other than the occasional creak of the old Victorian house. Monica opens her eyes and scans the darkness to orient her focus. She looks down admiring the way the blue light highlights her nipples.
How long is he going to be? Do I really just stay here like this? Shivering? It’s freezing in here. She looks out as the Christmas lights still on the house across the street go dark. Did he leave me here? Is this his punishment? Or is he testing me? She sits back on her heels and exhales with frustration.
It’s gotta be nearly twenty minutes already. This is crazy. Just as she starts to get to her feet, she hears a squeak a few feet behind her. Judging by his sharp look she drops back down and faces the empty fireplace.
“I didn’t tell you to get up.”
About the Author:
I'm a designer, author, wife and dog-lover living in the South Pasadena area of California. I got my BFA in Film Production from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, but my love of a good story came way before college. I remember writing my first full story in fifth grade on a typewriter. I cut and pasted it into a book, complete with cardboard cover and taped binding. Things have changed a lot since then. With the magnificent digital age I can produce books and give them to the world without a sticky mess.
In college numerous instructors and peers praised my dialogue pushed me to hone my storytelling skills. Of course the need to cut and paste was still there, so I went into the world of Production Design and Art Direction for films and television. It gave me the ability to connect design to storytelling in a way that no other career can. The past 18 years have spun a unique perspective on visually emotional tales of relationships and the thread that ties all things together. Now I'm shifting focus on the driving force that brought me here... stories. I hope that I can share a unique perspective on life, love and the pursuit in all of the above.
♦10 fun facts about A.L.♦
1. I not only like to design things like homes, gardens, and interiors, I like to build them too. I built the redwood decks in our backyard when our carpenter backed out at the last minute. Since I was off work for a few weeks, I went for it. The best part was the neighbor's reaction to me out there every day with power tools and very long planks of wood. I think working with your hands gives you an immediate sense of accomplishment.
2. I'm a reluctant morning lover, which means I love getting things get done early while it's quiet and calm, but my attitude when I first roll out of bed is sour.
3. I've practiced bonsai for many years and have a garden with 10 trees on display.
4. I love board games and try to organize game nights with friends as often as possible. My family was always very competitive and had a regular Sunday night usually filled with Yahtzee or UNO battles.
5. My favorite book as a kid was Pride and Prejudice, but I was very Dyslexic so I hated reading. Eventually I got into an assistance program that worked me through the difficulties and turned me into a bookworm.
6. I'm a hardcore Oakland A's fan. Baseball is the only sport I follow.
7. We moved from Oklahoma when I was twelve to Las Vegas. It was so completely twisted and unique to living anywhere else in the world, especially in the early 90s when things were booming. I got a well-rounded education on what I didn't want out of life by living there. I don't visit unless I'm dragged there.
8. I have an English Setter and German Shorthair Pointer that keep me on my toes.
9. I love road trips, but have to be the driver. I'm a terrible passenger.
10. My husband and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary in 2015, but we've known each other since the summer of 1993 in high school.
♦Book Trailers♦
December Rain →WATCH NOW←
April Snow →WATCH NOW←
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