Title: In The Moment: Part Five
Author: Rachael Orman
Publication Date & Length: April 27, 2015 - 50pgs
Alicia is in the midst of facing a crisis while life is BUSY throwing other hurdles in Adam's and Ace's lives. After Alicia was kicked out by them, she feels abandoned at quite possibly the worst time of her life. Right when she needs them most, they appear, but there is still the fact they'd hurt her and disappeared on her, not to mention her past is still haunting her.
Part One:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Barnes & Noble
Part Two:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Part Three:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Part Four:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Part Five (Final Part):
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon CA
Mother by day. Writer by night. I spend a majority of my day with my children and reading while my nights are filled with the sound of the keyboard as I work on my next work.
I have written in nearly every LBGT category as well as the traditional erotic romance category.
I love to try new things and learn from every piece of work I write. I'll write just about anything once to learn from it. I've even ventured out of my normal erotica genre into Monster Erotica. Doubt you'll find me writing anything not erotic as you can barely get me to even read something out of that category, but then again, you never know what I might try next.
Never stop learning. Try everything at least once.
Author's Website
Author's GoodRead Page
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